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Tashkent House Price Analysis

Recently  I've got an idea to analyze prices of houses in Tashkent city.
"" is one of the most famous sites where people sell houses, cars, electronics and etc.
I had to crawl it and collect data from it.
Unfortunately, "" does not have the old data, the latest data that  I found there was just one month old. They seem to clean their DB every month.

I needed data for previous years. So, I used "Way Back Machine" that has captured points of all website around the world. It is really a cool stuff to try :
But they use "https" so I had download their certificate and register it to my JRE.

I crawled that site and succeeded to get data starting from 2009.08 (that was the earliest capture point of
Interestingly "WayBackMachine" captures websites periodically, depending how often website changes. They have their own logic to capture sites for optimizing their storage.

Anyways, The data I crawled was from specific months of the year.
After crawling the data, for simplicity I just exported data to Excel sheet.
Then filtered data (removed duplicates, meaningless entities, spams, and zero values) and sorted by date.

Here is graph that displays price change for houses with 2 rooms:

You can see that average prices of 2-room houses during 2009.07 ~2014.08  raised from 30,000$ to 42,000$

By drawing the moving average we can identify when the prices was raising and falling:

Interestingly, houses prices raise during summer and it drops during the winter.
There can be more results can retrieved, but at the moment I am too busy with other projects, and will upload more stats later on.


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