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Building Term Matrix on HBase and Calculating TF-IDF

     Finding term's related terms in real-time would not be easy if you have 2 millions of tweets and 10 millions of words. Although Hadoop can process huge amount of data in parallel it is not real-time.
What if we want to see top  related words for the term "축구" in real-time.
Top related words can be found by calculating TF(Term frequency) values for each word a certain set of documents. Then we calculate IDF(Inverted Document Frequency) values by looking at all documents. IDF helps to exclude  meaningless words (이, 다, 나, 너, 니, 하고, 보다  and so on) . Then We calculate TFIDF and sort all of them by the same values.
Check out TFIDF on wiki:

The process is quite complicated, but I will try to explain it as simple as possible.
Here are the steps that I went through:

1. Extracting tweetId and the term from Hive into a Text file.

   By using Hive I split each tweet into words and separated each word in a line with its corresponding tweet id.  HiveQL query looks like this:

> select id_str, txt from twitter lateral view explode(split(extractNoun(text),' ')) words as txt where datehour=2014071023 and text not like '%RT %' and source not like '%bot%' and user.lang='ko';

The output look something like this:

487069487825297408      농구덕
487069487825297408      무슨짓
487069487825297408      한
487069488517365761      오늘
487069488517365761      이상
487069488517365761      버스
487069488517365761      흑흑
487069488517365761      시
487069488517365761      경계
487069488517365761      때

Then I stored this a text file.

2. Creating tables in HBase

 We need 3 tables: "TermMatrix" , "Docs" , "Stats". Here is the schema sample:

"Stats" table stores the total number of tweets per each hour.
From the above table "TermMatrix" you can see that Row Key is "term" , Columns represent each hour and cell contains the list of documents(tweets) that has that term.
These two tables helps us to calculate TF, IDF values.

3. Inserting data into Hbase Tables.

    I insert the data into HBase tables from above text file which we created in step 1.

4. Calculating TF-IDF

I made a simple calculation example about how to get TFIDF:

Target Term is searched keyword, in our case it is "축구"
In above image I intentionally removed "Log" function to simplify explanation.
Actual IDF Formula is     IDF = LOG(NumberOfDocs / TermTotalCount)

From TFIDF calculation you can see that TFIDF value of "is" drastically low from "people" because of it is used in many documents.

My Final Results:

My second searched keyword was "브라질"

getting tids took:25
building random list took:206
building freq List took :1562
sorting took :4
getting total took :130
final tfidf calcul took :1309

term:브라질           tfidf:10.10 
term:독일               tfidf:1.50 
term:월드컵           tfidf:1.33 
term:수니              tfidf:1.08 
term:축구             tfidf:0.98 
term:7                   tfidf:0.92 
term:독                tfidf:0.89 
term:1                tfidf:0.87 
term:경기          tfidf:0.86 
term:네덜란드 tfidf:0.81 
term:참패         tfidf:0.79 
term:4강전       tfidf:0.60 
term:콜롬비아 tfidf:0.59 
term:음주가무 tfidf:0.58 
term:회식        tfidf:0.57 
term:현지       tfidf:0.51 
term:우승      tfidf:0.50 
term:홍명보 tfidf:0.49 
term:응원     tfidf:0.49 

14/07/16 13:40:55 INFO client.HConnectionManager$HConnectionImplementation: Closed zookeeper sessionid=0x146ea39ad3fba67
14/07/16 13:40:55 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Session: 0x146ea39ad3fba67 closed
Total processing in Secs:5

It is taking around 5 seconds to get "브라질" related terms with TFIDF sorting of one day tweet.
I am working on optimization to reduce it.


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