Recently I downloaded Subgurim's google map interfacing library for It's cool library supporting many origin javascript functions of Google API. And the key point is that you can write a code directly inside server code(well mine is C#) , and you don't need to care server-client side integration. My aim was to display very long and complex trajectories in map. First I drew lines with Subgurim's AddPolyLine function, but it's quite slow , while zooming it takes 3-4 seconds to redraw lines. So by surfing net I found Encoded polylines which is very optimal way to display polylines. Encoded polyline is like a hashed key which stores lines with their different zoom level. Unfortunately Subgurim's library did not include encoded polyline functionality. So I added some manual code:
private void AddEncodedPolyline(string polyLineID, List tracks, string color, string weight)
PolylineEncoder enc = new PolylineEncoder();
EncodedPolyline resPol = enc.Encode(tracks);
string A1 = resPol.Points;
A1 = A1.Replace("{", "{{");
A1 = A1.Replace("}", "}}");
A1 = A1.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
string B1 = resPol.Levels;
string zoomFact = resPol.ZoomFactor.ToString();
string numLevels = resPol.NumLevels.ToString();
string js = string.Format(@"var "+polyLineID+" = new GPolyline.fromEncoded({{ color: '" + color + "', weight: " + weight + ",opacity: 1, points: '" + A1 + "', levels: '" + B1 + "', zoomFactor:" + zoomFact + ", numLevels: " + numLevels + "}});{0}.addOverlay(" + polyLineID + ");", gmpa.GMap_Id);
gmpa is a subgurim's object for interacting with google map api. I used PolylineEncoder class from Gabriel Svennerberg. he translated original polylineEncoder written in java into C#.
Also I used vertexWelder class for welding vertexes. Welding gave 15 times optimization of lines, though the quality of trajectory was same. It removed close located vertexes from trajectory.
private void AddEncodedPolyline(string polyLineID, List
PolylineEncoder enc = new PolylineEncoder();
EncodedPolyline resPol = enc.Encode(tracks);
string A1 = resPol.Points;
A1 = A1.Replace("{", "{{");
A1 = A1.Replace("}", "}}");
A1 = A1.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
string B1 = resPol.Levels;
string zoomFact = resPol.ZoomFactor.ToString();
string numLevels = resPol.NumLevels.ToString();
string js = string.Format(@"var "+polyLineID+" = new GPolyline.fromEncoded({{ color: '" + color + "', weight: " + weight + ",opacity: 1, points: '" + A1 + "', levels: '" + B1 + "', zoomFactor:" + zoomFact + ", numLevels: " + numLevels + "}});{0}.addOverlay(" + polyLineID + ");", gmpa.GMap_Id);
gmpa is a subgurim's object for interacting with google map api. I used PolylineEncoder class from Gabriel Svennerberg. he translated original polylineEncoder written in java into C#.
Also I used vertexWelder class for welding vertexes. Welding gave 15 times optimization of lines, though the quality of trajectory was same. It removed close located vertexes from trajectory.
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