VisualVM can be very helpful to discover the performance lags in Java application. It is one of the easiest profiling tools for Java. Download VisualVM Run VisualVM and check local running java apps: Remote Profiling. Run your java application with following JVM arguments: - Djavax . management . builder . initial = - Dcom . sun . management . jmxremote - Dcom . sun . management . jmxremote . port = 9010 - Dcom . sun . management . jmxremote . local . only = false - Dcom . sun . management . jmxremote . authenticate = false - Dcom . sun . management . jmxremote . ssl = false Above parameters, makes your remote java application to listen to port 9010. Then, you can connect to it from VisualVM by Menu->File->Add JMX connection Type your hostname and port. Example: (IP address of remote machine and port) Performance Profiling After you connect to your app fro...
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