Apache Hbase is a great noSQL database for storing enormous amount of data that can scale in three axis. Apache Hbase was based on Google's BigTable that stores all web contents in internet. By knowing row key and column id we can retrieve the value at the matter of milliseconds. HBase runs on top of HDFS and friendly with MapReduce tasks. So it can scale up together with Hadoop. One thing which seems to be disadvantage is HBase depends on ZooKeeper, while other big table based databases like Cassandra is independent. Nevertheless, I did not face any problem with it. Apache Hbase is really fast. Currently I am using it for TF-IDF based keyword retrieval, and it can retrieve results from 2 million tweets in few seconds. Anyways, Let me get back to the topic. My plan was to stream twitter data directly to Hbase by using Apache Flume. Fortunately, Flume has a Hbase sink plugin that comes by default in lib folder. We can use two kinds o...
experiences with BIG data collection, analysis and visualization